Sunday, October 30, 2005

X-Box Live - I hadn't lived, until I died a thousand times

I just signed up for X-Box live - EB had a good deal where I could get a years subscription and headphones / mike for about AUD$65 so I took the plunge (hey my daughter was getting a Barbie Pegasis game so I wanted something for ME!).

Now I have been playing Halo2 late at night to unwind and I thought I was pretty good - so I was eager to get online and kick some butt!

Setup took about an hour - I had to register my X-Box Live account which took about 15minutes - then I put in Halo2 - it needed some updates which it did pretty automatically and rebooted. Now I signed in - oh but I didn't have the maps everyone is using so I got into the content download bit and got my maps.

Right - my trigger finger was itchy and my ear was already starting to hurt a bit from having the headphones on all that time.. man.. here it comes.. connecting..
I hear lame chatter of some kids in America.. lots of 'kiddie' swearing.. and that sort of 'u-huh-hhhu-hhu-hhuh' semi-laugh that Beavas & Butthead used to do. hmmm.. quality opponents this should be easy.

Well.. I don't know.. am I using the wrong gun here? I am getting slaughtered.. like embarrasingly so.. its first to 25 kills and I haven't killed anyone yet.. so I'm on zero.. and the game's nearly over!.

10 games later.. I've managed to make a few kills.. but I am really getting hammered.. what am I doing wrong? I step out for one second to grab a gun and I get a 1 shot kill to the head. I'm sick of seeing my guy get blown up! When do I get a turn?? Boooo..

I swear some of these kids sound about 5 years old.. I used to be good at this stuff! A natural! I used to teach kids at the arcade a thing or two about the fine art of Street Fighter II in my day.. now look at me! A newbie.. a babe in the woods.. are these guys in America on some super-fast drug or something that makes their reflexes and accuracy so damn perfect?

2am.. one more game... I think this time I'll work out what the secret is.

I beg my opponents.. why do I SUCK? .. no advice... more Butthead giggles.. hhuehh hhuh..

Time to go to bed.. I hang my head in shame .. tomorrow I hit the tip sheets.

Still.. I'm hooked.. online gaming is soooo different and so much more challenging ..

ps if anyone knows the secret of Halo 2 success.. please.. restore my dignity and let me know?!

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