Friday, October 28, 2005

A Jet Ski I can afford

okay not quite a Jet Ski but from a distance who could tell?
AUD$269 will get you the Ocean Scooter FX
It's a battery powered inflatable power ski for childeren (damn) aged five and up - the scooter can hit speeds of 4.7 km/hr with a 50kg rider and can support up to 75kg.. hey I qualify!

Made from high grade PVC it has double barrrelled inflation chambers.

The scooter has a power shutdown when the throttle is released and a protected propeller (you wouldn't want the propeller to get damaged on some kids head would you?)

Now call me cynical but isn't half the point of taking your kids to the beach is that they tire themselves out & go to bed early so mum and dad can have quality time?
So the deal is you have to get them to lug the 10kg bag down to the beach (far end) and get them to blow it up with a small foot pump or your just ripping yourself off.

Still - I've always wanted a jet ski and this one is in my price range.
Buy it here --> [JUMP]

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