Wednesday, November 02, 2005

R2D2 Interactive to be released in Australia - TOMORROW!

When I first saw this.. like 2 years ago it went straight on my 'want' links. R2-D2 was always one of my favourite star wars characters. I thought when I grew up we would all have our own astromech droid and robots would walk the streets with us. okay that vision is still 20 years away .. or more.. but in the meantime this will do.
It has not been available in Australia except through special import (for around AUD$400+) - well when I opened my new Kmart catalogue yesterday there it was! On sale even! Tomorrow even! AUD$250 - it's mine!
Man.. I'll be there at 8am when the doors open to buy my R2' and the new Episode III DVD that went on sale today (unless my wife picks me up a copy.. she knows how I've been counting the days).

OK So what is it? It's a little R2-D2, about 35cm high and is interactive! Speak to him like 'Hey R2! - Go on patrol' and he'll dutifully clear your house of unwanted pests. 'Hey R2 do you remember Darth Vader?' and he'll tremble.. cooolness.
'Hey R2! throw me a lightsaber and fix me a snack' - stunned silence.. okay.. one day I'll get an Astromech with a bit more brains.. but for this money I'm sold!
The R2-D2 interactive droid has a rotating head, voice recognition, a cargo hold, a utility arm with drink holder, motorised feet so he can move and a foot lock, mood status indicator, light beam, sonar navigation and Infra Red location sensor. mmm.. thats a lot of robot for $250!
Want to see more? follow me [JUMP]

1 comment:

Dylan Hamilton-Foster said...

I was there the next morning and bought my R2 at 8:30am.. he is BRILLIANT !! Better than I expected - the way he moves around and detects objects and people is awsome - you start to think he's alive! Will do a full review when I get a chance.
If you have the opportunity - all I can say is purchase immediately you won't be sorry!