Saturday, November 19, 2005

X-Box 360 will eventually make it to Australia.

Well that's just bloody typical - Microsoft Corp. announced that Xbox 360™ will arrive on store shelves;
Tuesday, Nov. 22 in North America
Friday, Dec. 2 in Europe
and Saturday, Dec. 10 in Japan.
Australian gamers can enjoy the Xbox 360 in early 2006.

Bah that's just typical that the Aussies have to wait.. and don't even get a fixed date.. its like .. yeah we'll send you some when we get around to it. Thanks maaate!

Rumour has it that it will be here Late Feb.. kinda late for a Christmas present.

I guess in the meantime I can pimp my old x-box up.

<-- found this clear case mod with lighting on ebay. I kind of like the clear glowing look..

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