Sunday, March 19, 2006

Utili-Key - those tricky swiss!

Any red blooded bloke has a soft spot for a pocket knife.
I think most men secretly think they have super powers, or will one day save the world.. and every super-hero needs his tools, those tiny little gadgets that have a hundred uses.. the swiss army knife was the definition of 'pocket knife' when I was a kid, but I dont know.. it seemed to have lost its way.. they just tried to cram way too many tools in there and the damn thing got too big.
The Utili-Key brings it all back to basics, it looks like a key so it stealthily will hide amongst your real keys waiting for the right moment to spring out and open a bottle, tighten the loose screw or free that victim trapped under a fallen tree with the serrated blade.
I saw the Utili-Key a few months ago in an English magazine but couldnt find it on our soils, well will now sell you this functional little bit of metal for AUD$39.95 - go get it now, you never know when it might save your life!

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