Thursday, April 06, 2006

LavNav - for those who miss and hit the floor

Do you stumble into the toilet late at night.. and totally miss the bowl and soak the floor in urine? If you're a woman thats a worry, for man.. ah give us a break.. its not as easy as it looks. Anyway - not that I've ever missed.. but if you are a bad shot - this toilet night light - the LavNav will help you find your way. If you still keep missing you might need a TomTom GPS system to help you..
The LavNav uses red or green light to highlight the target and turns itself on as you approach in the dark and off as you leave.
It does this by detecting the electrical disturbance you make in the ion field surrounding the area by the higher neuromatic impulses transmitted by a full bladder.. or maybe it just uses a little IR sensor.
So for $51 you can get this from and never have an excuse to miss the bowl again!

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