Monday, December 05, 2005

Smallville - QX5 USB Digital Microscope

Looking for a geeky Christmas present for your nerdy nephew? Look no further - suitable for kids over 8 - or budding brainwaves over 5 would love this, and older geeks like me will get a buzz out of this too.

This is a microscope with 10x, 60x and 200x magnification which you view through your computer! That's right this microscope plugs straight into your computers USB port and lets you view and capture images and video from the world of small.

If you want to see the results - check out the video clips and pics here --> [TINYJUMP]

Or buy one online at expansys here [JUMP] for AUD$168.95

Software is included for PC but if you want to run this on a Mac, don't freak out alright.. just settle down you crazy Apple lovers - you can get software to run this on a Mac here [MACOPHILEJUMP] for a small additional fee. - you'd be used to paying a little bit more anyway.

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