Sunday, April 06, 2008

GTA IV Censored in Australia

Anyone familiar with the Grand Theft Auto series won't be too suprised to learn that content has been cut from the latest game, before it hits the shelves, to meet Australia's strict content control laws.
In the past I recall GTA III was pulled from the shelves after it was discovered you could go down a particular alley and get a HJ from a prostitute. The game was re-released some time later with that content removed (and I recall copies of the game that were purchased before the ban hit, sold on ebay for a premium). Then there was the more recent 'hot coffee' scandal in GTA San Andreas.

GTA IV will be sold in AU as suitable for 15+, which is apparently the maximum for video games in Australia - something that is in the process of being corrected & pulled into line with movies .. so we can have R rated games.
Mind you, I've read the content that's been cut are along the line of someone being buggered with a baseball bat.. so nothing worth missing anyway.

I personally went out at the start of the Easter break to get a new game, saw all the posters for GTA IV in the EB-Games shop and shelled out the $.. I was in such a hurry I didn't notice it wasnt actually out yet and I'd have to wait about 6 weeks to get it so I have it on pre-order.. oh well, I'm a silly sausage. I got Mass Effect at the same time & that kept me entertained over Easter.. top RPG game by the way.

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