Sunday, March 01, 2009

T-Shirt Bottle Opener.. make your spouse more useful!

Hey this caught my attention.. maybe it's the big closeup of a bikini clad young girls buttox on their homepage but the idea is still endeering.. you can now buy a t-shirt with an integrated bottle opener.. how sweet.. when I whip the lid off a beer I usually do it with my 'standard' t-shirt, which of course damages those little fibres and I end up getting scolded by my better half for being so thoughtless.. you could go some old-school approaches to opening a bottle (like using your eye socket, which looks very tough but can cause serious scarring to your peepers) .. Now you can buy a mens t-shirt from or even a cap with integrated bottle opener.. but the idea of passing your wife (who would be wearing a t-shirt, bikini bottom and a lustful look) your brewski and saying "sweetie.. do you mind?" is much more appealing.. here's a product with dual functionality.. it'll cover up those lovely lady lumps and perform as an attractive way to pop the lid on a coldie.. what more could you ask for?.. the German judges give it a 10 out of 10.. step up to the podium you good gadget you..
Wonders never cease, we're living in good times my friends.. good times.. check it out and turn your other half into something a little more useful [OPEN MY BEER] - t-shirts from about $43, there's also shorts and caps (but the womens top is the only one I really care about here hehe).