Friday, May 30, 2008

BRIO Network Bernie's Flashing Diode

My 3yr old son Lucas loves his Thomas the Tank train set - the wooden one with magnetic connectors (for the fellow Star Wars fans out there, guess what, he was named after George Lucas - 10 nerd points to ME! pwha yeah).
Ok BRIO is the same sort of thing, basic train set with magnetic connectors.. now these sorts of things come in the normal train station, bridge blah blah configuration *yawn*.. THIS caught my eye.. bring your 3Yr old into nerd town with the Brio flashing diaode. So this is like a big LED that will form part of your kids basic railway.. I like it ! I like it a lot ! (I wonder if Brio is compatible with Thomas's setup) .. better yet you can get it from those bargain masters deals direct in Australia! for about $45AUD inc shipping and batteries are included.. thats a very cheap way to tar your kid with the nerd brush at an early age just follow the link and get out your plastic heheh -> [NERD-MY-KID-NOW]