Thursday, April 19, 2007

WiFi Rabbit - I kid you not

The world really is an amazing place and it keeps getting cooler by the minute... its good to be alive.
ok I'm getting carried away, but the idea of a WiFi - internet enabled rabbit is cheezy maybe but still just too cool for school in my humble opinion.
So what does it do? It connects to your WiFi router (and obviously then to the internet) - to download content and relay it to you in the cutest japanezy sort of way. Its ears move around, lights flash & change colour (eg red to let you know your lover has sent you a saucy email) - he'll read content out (like messages sent from emails or phones, webpages etc) - play music.. everything you can think of and more - check it out on the official website here [BUNNYHOP] or buy it online in Australia here -> [BUYIT] for $259.95AUD