Thursday, August 14, 2008

Rocket Alarm Clock.. just what YOU NEED !

I've seen some good alarm clock gadgets, like the one with wheels that jumps off your bedside table and races around until you catch it.. I mean who doesn't need some excitement to get the up in the morning? Nothing spells excitement to me like a missile (well there are a few things but lets keep this blog somewhat PGR) ..
So the basic idea is you set the alarm, and when its due to go off you get a 10 second countdown to abort the launch .. failure to abort means the missile goes flying possibly exploding something precious (ok it doesnt explode, it's got a soft nose not a thermo nucular device.. DOH!)..

Makes a great present for only $29.95 from the folks at .. start the whold cold war thing all over again! Check it out -> [IBBM]
(that's Inter Bedroom Balistic Missile)

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Virgin Galactic..

Virgin Galactic is moving forward, recently White Knight II was unveiled. This is truly a turning point in history, hats off to RB for pushing the privatisation of space.. (does anyone wear hats anymore? ok .. drop dacks for RB he is a f*cking legend .. you ROCK dude!!).

I love this little promo video.. Check it out and wet yourself over the coolness of it all..

Now if I was to do this... I mean take a flight on RB's new spaceship and take the risk of being sucked through a pinhole into the cold blackness of space or burnt to a crisp on re-entry.. I would want it all to go MY way.. I mean doing zero G tummy tucks and giving each other the "hey Im OK" gestures in wicked next gen space suits is cool and all, while you look down at the scum who can never afford to do what you're doing situation is neat and all .. BUT.. the video of tightly clad space chicks is really just hinting at the real deal man..

Follow the youtube video.. man it all looks awesome.. but piss off the half dozen other people, my ride will be a private husband & wife trip.. and when the G's hit zero we drop dacks and do a space root while viewing the demise of planet earth from a great distance .. isn't that the ultimate? no? come on if you haven't had a zero G space root fantasy.. what the fuck are you doing on my blog? honestly.. go find some stupid blog about iphones or something..

RB You are my hero.. and if there is anything.. ANYTHING.. I can say or do that will bring me 1 step closer to my zero G heavily discounted space root fantasy let me know and I'll say it openly and shamelessly.. hey.. I'll sign the rights to the first zero G porno featuring me and my missuz and I'm sure she's up for it.. right hun ? .. hun? .. hello? ahem.. I think she said YUP before giving me the 1 finger salute *sigh*

oh well.. live long and prosper fellow space freaks.. PS the video does seem to indicate launches from AU are on the boards.. so all I have to do now is win "POWERBALL" and wait for the dream to roll in..